Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Beautiful Friendship

Before beginning this blog and my YouTube Channel, (I'm still working on that by the way, it's on its way...I just wish it looked better...) I watched a good handful of beauty videos on YouTube and followed blogs, etc. Something many of them had in common...MAC cosmetics. I had heard of the brand and knew they made makeup that was "high quality" and had great pigment in their colors. Unfortunately, I'm a poor college student and didn't have much to splurge on the makeup just to test it out for my own kicks and giggles. Lo and behold my boy tells me he likes when I wear lipstick. Please cue the Hallelujah Chorus.

Now, with an okay excuse to get a new lipstick I began looking and listing what brand got the most hype and would be best for me and what colors I would like...(it was a surprisingly short list) In the end, MAC won out and then came the time for me to suck it up, go to the kiosk in the mall and test out how each shade matched or looked with my skin tone. For anyone that doesn't know, I have extremely fair crazy fair. I wanted one that was bold and would be pretty and pink for summer but not to crazy.

Now, for those of you who haven't worn or tried MAC's lipsticks they have different finishes. That is, they have different looks...shiny, matte, shimmery, etc. Each finish has a different name as well as the colors. Though overwhelming, this is extremely helpful. My lips used to be quite dry and cracked all the time. I began using eos lip balm (which will have to be in a different post) and it's helped even out and smooth my lips. However, I've heard lipsticks that dry lips out like no other and I didn't want to bring back a problem that I had just gotten rid of. I spoke to the woman working the small nook of makeup about finishes and the best one to keep my lips nice and soft.

After much deliberation, I decided on a coral-y pink called "Crosswires" and soon after had to add more. (Crosswires is a cremesheen finish) I had to have a more girly pink and decided on "Speed Dial" another cremesheen. Then, I had to work as a photographer in a more business-and-professional setting. This called for yet, another lipstick. This time, a more neutral brown-ish. Viva Glam V, a lustre finish but still quite moisturizing and not as pigmented when you wear it. They all have a vanilla scent like those vanilla tootsie-rolls which I just love. Soon, at my next paycheck...I think I'll need to add to my, currently, small collection. Which colors would you suggest?

MAC...I think this is the beginning of a beautiful, beautiful friendship.

From L to R the colors are: Crosswires, Viva Glam V, and Speed Dial.

The Viva Glam collection is a charity line donating 100% of the proceeds to the MAC AIDS Fund to support men, women, and children living with HIV and AIDS. Viva Glam lipsticks are indicated by the red metal tubing instead of the silver.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Acrylic Nails? Never Again.

Hi everyone! First I'm going to tell you all a story of sadness and woe. (Don't worry, there's a happy ending.) After that I'll get into today's post, which is about taking care of your nails.

Once upon a time there was a young girl (me) who was preparing herself for the Ball of the year that all had waited years to attend (Senior Prom.) Makeup would come as no problem for her, for she had many years of practice in that art. Hair? Hers was fairly short and would not pose a problem in styling. The young girl had a beautiful dress, but nothing too extravagant matched well in contrast with her bold, trend setting shoes. However, after many years of thin, brittle, bendy, flaking, peeling nails she decided acrylics would be a wonderful idea for this occasion that was all anyone in the kingdom (high school) could talk about. This turned out to be a horrendous plan. The artificial plastic hurt her fingers and turned out to be much worse than she had imagined. She did not want to keep these fake nails so, she got them off...along with the top few layers of her natural nail. The only way she could get the horrid acrylic off was to use acetone. I'll get to why this is a bad thing in a bit. She vowed, that night, never again. Never again.

The moral of the story...
Acrylic nails may look nice, but in the end it's just bad for you. Not just your nails. You. When you get them on you're cutting off the oxygen to your nail. Believe it or not, your nails need oxygen just as much as your eyes (don't leave your contacts in) and your hair and skin. If you've ever had Acrylics you'll know that when it comes time to get them taken off (whether you're getting them on again straight after or are just deciding to take a break from the darn things) they soak your nails and fingertips in pure acetone or at least an acetone nail polish remover. Acetone is a very dangerous chemical and is actually used as a paint stripper. Do you really want your fingers soaking in that? Whether you breathe in the fumes it creates or soak any part of your skin in it, it gets into your body and can cause things from just feeling dizzy, or sick for a few hours to miscarriages in women who are expecting. In short...don't use it. Just...don't.

After learning these things and having to nurse my nails after Prom etc. I discovered a few things. Who would've thought that I'm not the only one in the world who had weak nails? Who would've also thought that they make tools and treatment for such things?! Yeah, I probably should've thought of that before...
But I went to a beauty supply store, told them my tale and they showed me some great things for me. At the time my favorite nail strengthener polish was LCD but, that has been discontinued. Fortunately for me, I found one that I like even MORE! I now have a nail treatment that I use 3-4 times a week and a routine I do every 2 weeks. Here's what I do...

Firstly, I remove all my nail polish with a NON-acetone remover. It does take a bit longer but I think that's an okay thing. I then, soak my fingertips in warm water or just take a nice shower. While my nails are still flexible and things I use some nail clippers to trim them to a comfortable length. (As a child I always felt my parents clipped them too short and I hated the way it felt.) I don't worry too much about them looking great at this point, just getting them a little shorter and trimming sharp corners. Next, I take any emery board and file them to a smooth end. Finally, I use my new strengthening polish to make my nails stronger and clean and shiny. I use a treatment called Rock Hard now, and I'm pretty sure that you can get it at any Sally's Beauty Supply store.

Well, that's it for today. Hope you guys are doing awesome! I'll see you next time and keep your eyes peeled for YouTube updates!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012


So, I never really think much about this blog...TIL NOW! I'm not only having this blog but also adding a YouTube channel to actually talk about style and clothes and things. If things all work the way I hope I'll also have a Pinterest for you all to follow. My channel is already made, just no videos up yet. I'll post a link to it as soon as some videos are up. I have my personal Pinterest, but want to set up another that is solely for fashion and things.
I actually had to start up a binder with all my plans for posts and videos and I'm quite excited. Many things will be DIY and on the low end when it comes to prices. I'm a college student, and that in itself is extremely costly. Some things you'll see I do splurge on, but that is generally because it's worth the money. Anyways, I know it's a short post but there will be more to come.

Ciao! =]