Thursday, June 20, 2013

5 Summer Essentials

Okay guys, yes...I know...I haven't posted but it's because of a LOT of different things going on and I had to kinda take care of that and give my attention to those.

BUT, tomorrow is the first day of summer! Which MEANS new summer looks, and pool bags, and days on the beach (for you lucky ones).

I, however, live in Central Texas where it's hot ALL the time so some of the tips that come to mind apply basically year round. But I digress.
The following is a list of my 5 essential tips on skincare and makeup for summer time. =]

1- This may sound odd...but it's my #1 rule for a reason, wear sunscreen! I believe you should wear sunscreen daily and year-round but it's a MUST in the summer. This is the time of the year when the sun is closest, days are hotter and longer. It means that your exposure to the sun is that much more direct and longer than other seasons. As well as using my body sunscreen I wear a sunscreen special for my face underneath my moisturizer after washing my face, Mary Kay Day Solution is my favorite by FAR! It's more water based and only has that sunscreen scent right when you apply it. It dries quickly but isn't drying.

2-Stay hydrated. Another one that sounds obvious...but it's just because it's important. The kind of contact between your skin and the sun means it's also drying you out. This causes you to be dehydrated, as well as damaging your skin. (Sun burns can be prevented by sunblock but ALSO staying hydrated...doing this also helps you tan.)

3- Wear foundation, BB cream, CC cream, or tinted moisturizer with an SPF! Along with my face sunscreen I always wear a "face base" with SPF, this doesn't always look good in photos. When I know photos will be taken I just make sure to use my face sunscreen under all my makeup and I'm fine.

4- For all of you who have oily skin, you probably already know this part...but dry ones you listen up. I have normal to dry skin and summer is summer. It's the only time of year I actually need to carry blotting papers in my purse. I prefer not to add powder on and off all day. I'd rather just remove the oil and keep my makeup look the same throughout the day.

5- Keep your eyes out for waterproof eye makeup. Pick the things that work best for you. I am super uncomfortable going to the pool or beach with a 100% naked face...I just can't do it because my entire face looks white with red splotches and I just can't stand it. My favorite pool look is Revlon's Photoready BB cream, Rimmel Scandaleyes eyeliner, CoverGirl's clump crusher mascara in black brown, Sonia Kashuk cream blush in Rosey, and a tinted lip balm (which varies on the day).

Fun things about waterproof makeup-
Mascara- Waterproof formulas not only should withstand swimming/crying/sweating but also hold your lash curl better than normal formulas.
Eye liner- Look for waterproof and smudge proof liners that are still smooth to apply. This will keep the liner on your lid as well as your waterline and shouldn't smudge AND wont tug and pull on your eyelids; which helps to eliminate agitation through application as well as all day.