Thursday, March 29, 2012

Work Ready

Today I had a sitting job from about 2-6. Keeping my general day plans in mind help a lot when it comes to deciding what to wear. (This includes hair and shoes.) Knowing this particular family has a child under 18 months old, I stuck with a t-shirt I like, jeans (as opposed to a dress or skirt) and my TOMS. However, I know that for myself I feel better if I put a little effort into my morning getting ready routine. So, to add a little to my outfit I decided to add a basic black vest and instead of wearing normal jeans I wore my charcoal grey skinny jeans. This is the outcome.

I'm still new to the whole fashion blog and everything...but I hope to get better. Yes, short...but that's what I like. Short, sweet, and to the point.
Have a great weekend guys!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Little Nobody

My name is Lyssa, but you all can call me "St. James." A nickname that has been lovingly given to me by my adorable friend Miss Katarina Brandon. (a.k.a. T-Rex, Rexie, maybe Sexy Rexie...) She just so happens to ALSO be my wonderful photographer. 
I, obviously, enjoy fashion.  Other hobbies of mine include; photography, modeling, and other various forms of art and expression. T-Rex is my dubbed photographer and will be credited for her photos. 
  • I am a college student studying Advertising and Fashion Photography at the community college. 
  • I am a local nanny/babysitter for some close families I know from church and the neighborhood I live in.
  • I am not married and don't have kids. 
That being said, I am not made of money. I do not buy designer clothes, bags, shoes, or otherwise. I do love dressing cute and still being comfortable. I've found that I have a knack for seeing outfits and how they match up and mixing and matching so instead of having a ton of clothes that don't go together at all, I have several outfits that use the same pieces. 

I am, and have always been, awkward. It took me 21 years to get comfortable with being in my own skin and to be proud of how I look in all forms of the word. As you'll see with photos that will be posted, I am extremely fair skinned, skinny, and fairly tall. At 21, that's all pretty good. Growing up...I was teased, bullied, picked on, and I never really had a good "sense of style." It really took a toll on me emotionally and mentally. It wasn't until I was in my Senior year of high school that I decided to just be me and everyone else could just deal with that. I was me, and that was okay. (Or, I at least told myself this and practiced it until I actually believed it a few years later.) Now, I know I'm me and that's a pretty good deal. =]

Yup, that's me. Sporting a skirt for the first time this spring. It's gonna be hot in Texas, why not take advantage by wearing some amazing skirts and sundresses. =]

This blog will be filled with everything from links to other blogs, tips I discover, photos of my personal fashion style, how-tos, even a few bits on makeup. (Not hair though...I'm not good at that at all.) BUT, I can direct you all to other blogs that do that. =]
I thank you all for visiting and hope you find this helpful/entertaining/worth reading for any reason.

You're the best.