Thursday, March 29, 2012

Work Ready

Today I had a sitting job from about 2-6. Keeping my general day plans in mind help a lot when it comes to deciding what to wear. (This includes hair and shoes.) Knowing this particular family has a child under 18 months old, I stuck with a t-shirt I like, jeans (as opposed to a dress or skirt) and my TOMS. However, I know that for myself I feel better if I put a little effort into my morning getting ready routine. So, to add a little to my outfit I decided to add a basic black vest and instead of wearing normal jeans I wore my charcoal grey skinny jeans. This is the outcome.

I'm still new to the whole fashion blog and everything...but I hope to get better. Yes, short...but that's what I like. Short, sweet, and to the point.
Have a great weekend guys!


  1. I have that shirt too :) And I'm excited to follow your blog! Thanks for posting on Pinterest so I know when you have new stuff

    -Erica (The one who loves her fishy you remember that?)

  2. Pretty girl!!! Of course I remember you and your fishy pants. It's just getting started so make sure you spread the word and have people read it and such and if you ever have any fashion or beauty blog post ideas go ahead and send them my way! LOVES YOU!!!
