Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Natural Blonde...trial and error

Hey guys!

In the span of 3 years, my hair has gone through various changes; style, color, cut...

Long naturally blonde...
...box dyed dark brown (nearly black)...
......growing out back to natural, add highlights to lessen the dramatic change from blonde to dark brown and cut to a bob...
...continue to grow out...add more highlights...
......home dye blue for Halloween...(I was Coraline)...
...go to the salon cut off all the dark brown to a nice pixie cut...
..........wash out all the blue dye....
...grow out natural, healthy, blonde hair...
...red at the salon with my most favorite hair dresser! Very patriotic for the Fourth of July...
now...it was a little deep and brownish for me...I wanted a more orangey "ginger" look because it would look most natural with my skin type, however...dye generally washes out and fades so I got dark brown red and it washed out the way I liked...but I had hair I wasn't as happy with for a good 2-3 weeks...time to try something else.

In the mindset of keeping my hair healthy and knowing the chemicals used when you get your hair colored or use a home dye...well they aren't great for your hair.


Lush is a handmade soap and cosmetics store. They use more natural ingredients and less preservatives. They have a range of natural dyes red, chestnut, brown, and black. I use red for the bright orange I want. I have never been happier with my hair. It lasts longer and only washes out the first 2-3 washes. I saw my hairdresser when picking up my little brother from getting his hair cut and we got talking about my color since it's obviously been kept up, but I haven't seen her in a few months. Even SHE loved the color and said I could come to her just for trims and highlights. It's about 25$ for a brick of dye from Lush and one brick lasts 3 dyes...MUCH cheaper than going to the salon every time you need to get your roots done AND it's better for your hair. All around win!

However...it's messy and fairly difficult to do by yourself. I just make sure to lay down newspapers or "car towels" and I make sure to wear a tank I dont mind ruining as well as work out shorts.

Best of luck to you all in trying new colors!!! Send me pictures! I'd love to see how colors turn out with you all!!!

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